Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Rougher than usual handling

The recent tragedes in Victoria are a timely reminder of a lesson passed on across the millenia from Genesis onwards. That Mother Nature, like any other woman, is not be mollycoddled. To paraphrase that old chap on the bench who was crucified for voicing an obvious truth many years ago, Mother Nature, like any other damsel, sometimes merits rougher than usual handling. Sometimes a pruning, sometimes more. Of course one should not take it to the extremities that those barbaric Mahometans who force their ladyfolk to wear teatowels over their faces do but the blowback from not taking such measures, in the case of both Mother Nature and our ladies, can be destructive of the social order.

And thus it is with these bushfires. Let us now abandon our pretentions of living among the wild flora like some Edenic utopia in our midst. The world should be reshaped as an English garden.

And what of the genocidal Greens who contributed to this tragedy for reasons eloquently put by the always sagacious Mr Bird? Well, the fate that befell that fine Roman patriot Mussolini, strung up by his ungrateful rabble of a populace of Gothic pretenders, would be too kind, far too kind for these purveyors of Primitivism.


  1. I agree 100% Winchester. I don't think though that it would be a good idea to string up every greenie on sight; many (weak and foolish) people could develop sympathy for them and thus our work has the potential to be fatally undermined.

    The best way is to selectively target them. Subject their leaders to a public and open trial (with prime-time television and radio coverage) where the utter deviousness of their murderous ideology would be exposed to the general public. The executions themselves should be a very public affair of which everyone should be encouraged to attend and for them to be given prime-time television and radio coverage. A good idea would be to hold them in a large stadium, such as the MCG, Telstra Dome, the Gabba or ANZ Stadium to allow the maximum number of spectators; the large screens giving a close up view of the action for people sitting up the top of the stands. The condemned, as part of their punishment, should be made to wear placards, with words such as 'MURDERER', 'ARSONIST' or 'EVIL' written in clearly legible black thick ink and be made to read a statement recanting and strongly denouncing their poisonous, primitive ideology and to plead to the general public not to follow their wicked ways, before dispatching them into the next world.

    Coinciding with mass arrests and long, harsh jail terms of the rank-and-file greenies (including the odd public executions of one, two or three), this course of action would be very effective.

    After these measures have been taken I can assure you there will be no-one protesting when the next old-growth forest is levelled.

  2. "..any other damsel, sometimes merits rougher than usual handling."

    ".. the blowback from not taking such measures, in the case of both Mother Nature and our ladies, can be destructive of the social order."

    We already knew you were a homophobic and paranoid gun loving freak.

    We now can add sexist to the list. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that you are also sexually impotent. (What can you expect from a guy who calls himself Winchester!)

  3. I see that these unrepentant environmentalist killers are attempting to equate you with the Taliban Winchester. There is still time for mass-sackings to be given a chance. Even though we can see now that it is their side that drew first blood.

  4. Peter,

    Thank you for stigmatizing the obvious about Mr Winchester.

  5. If you believe what you are writing your nuts.

    If this is a hoax so our Dear Birdy has a friend, it's brilliant :-)

    In doubt, I'll choose to believe the latter.

  6. I've had to put up with a lot of static from you Lyam. But you are really pushing it to be implying that this man of righteousness and feeling is some sort of jokester.

  7. Dear Birdy,

    Lyam's hypothesis that Winchester is a prank setup to make a fool of you makes perfect sense.

    Do you really believe anybody in his right mind would want to have you as a leader to start a "New World" as Winchester suggests in his "introduction".

    All Winchester posts are just mirrors of your fantasies.

  8. Winchester is an old friend of mine. We served in Vietnam together.

    He is the most sensible - and the bravest - man I have ever met.

    As for being sexually impotent - he might be getting on in years, but from what I've seen I suspect he could outlast you Peter!
