the recent assessment by Merrill Lynch estimated the Government could raise nearly $13 billion from the sale of the electricity industry. The sale of the trading rights of the power generators alone would be worth $9 billion-$11 billion, and the retail assets - Energy Australia, Integral Energy and Country Energy - worth $2.6 billion.
The door is open particularly to Chinese bidders, Mr Tripodi said. "The Chinese are very much welcome," Mr Tripodi said, who made reference to TruEnergy, which already owns a power station near Wollongong, and which is owned by China Light and Power.
It is astounding that our political oppressors now do not even so much as hide the fact that they are in the pay of the new Bolshevist conspiracy emanating from Beijing, that, in the words of the sagacious Mr Bird, they no longer hide the fact that they are giving the ground beneath our feet, the air we breathe and the water we drink to 'cronytown'. Aiding and abetting such endeavours have been the purported 'libertarians' such as Mr Soon and Dr Kirchner, rootless cosmopolitans undoubtedly in the pay of the Soros-Rockefeller-Rothschild axis, who are simply approaching Bolshevism from the other end, hoping to profit from the slave labour and unrestrained traffic in bodily organs that the Oriental variety will inevitably cultivate.